Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 2 of 52, Day 4 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 17
Lbs to lose this *week 1, Total lost so far 0
*My weight loss week is Thursday through Wednesday

I'm leaving you all!!! Just tomorrow and Saturday. Well I will be back Saturday night but I don't know how late so I may not be able to post. However, today I was able to get some of tomorrow's weekly maintenance done and I am going to shoot for some more tonight. But, regardless, I do have today's normal chores.

Here's what I did this morning:
1. Emptied wastebaskets
5. Eliminated an annoying pile (I had a pile of give away stuff by my front door, so I got it into my car trunk so all I have to do is drive by the thrift store.

I'm really tired and need to pack so tonight all I did was my dishes. I will start fresh on Monday.


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