Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So Tired of Waiting for YOOOOOUUUUUuuuu

That song is in my head right now. Not sure why. Haha!

Week 4 of 52, Day 2 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 5!!! YIKES!!! Crunch time!
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 2 of 8, Day 2 of 6

This morning I had a few moments so I actually have already started on the Frazzle Free stuff. Today was to begin making some of the appointments that from the list that was started yesterday. I have accomplished that with one Dr. appt. and I called my hair salon (Supercuts) and found out they don't do appointments. Stink! So I don't know how I am going to make sure I get Shari again without just calling and finding out when she works?

I also found a few more gift ideas from a magazine I was looking at (I'M NOT SAYING WHICH ONE MUAH HAHAHAHA).

Today we are also supposed to start our Christmas card list and that is all for today.

My 15 minute project tonight is to finish...FINALLY...the pictures. I only have two more spots. A couple in the bathroom and my bedroom. So hopefully this will be done and I won't have to dedicate anymore time to this. I'M SICK OF HAMMERS NAILS AND TAPE MEASURES!!! I'm a big of a freak when it comes to hanging things. I have graph paper, math, tape measures, nails and a hammer. And they still look crooked to me and annoy me!

Anyway, enjoy!

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