Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tomorrow is Turkey Day!

Week 4 of 52, Day 6 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 1
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 2 of 8, Day 6 of 6
Thanksgiving Day 1 of 30

Tomorrow is the beginning of our Thanksgiving day celebrations. I do not use the computer on Sundays so on Saturdays, like today, I will post two ideas. Every day will have 3 features, 1. a Scripture on thankfulness or praise. 2. An idea of a thank you card to write. 3. The celebration idea.

November 1: "Then a voice came from the throne saying, 'Praise our God, all you His servans and those who fear Him, both small and great!'" Revelation 19:5

As this is the beginning of our journey we will start today with writing a thank you card to your spouse. If you are not married but are in a relationship then write a thank you card to that person. If you are not in a relationship then write a card to a couple (make sure its to a couple in order to remain appropriate) that has been a Godly example of marriage to you. Thank them for the role that they have played in teaching you about Godly marriages.

Today's celebration is one of my personal favorite ideas. Take a tree (it could be an undecorated Christmas tree or a small leafless tree) and put it out. Every day your family can write something they are thankful for on a leaf and add it to the tree. Or have a calendar of blessings that you write it in the box of the day (this is what I do all year long actually). Or you could have a box or basket with papers and pens that you leave out for the season and write down the things you are thankful for. For any of these ideas don't forget to read through some of all of the entries on Thanksgiving day!

November 2: "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased." Hebrews 13:15-16

Today we are going to write a thank you card to a sibling or a sibling-in-law. If you do not have a siblings then pick someone who has been like a brother or sister to you and thank them. If you have multiple siblings we will not be revisiting this so you may want to write 2 cards a day until you have all your siblings covered. Make sure you aren't sarcastic in your thanks. Too often we forget to be genuine with our own family. If there are problems between you and your sibling(s) then be simple and short. Find one thing you appreciate about them and write that. It doesn't have to be a novel.

In light of the Scripture above lets go through our pantry and see what canned or boxed goods we could do without, or perhaps you would like to go through some clothes. Get rid of some stuff you have that is in good shape that someone else could be benefiting from. Keep in mind as you are wondering if you will ever need something, is it something someone else could be using now rather than waiting for you to possibly need it someday?

So thats it for Sunday and Monday Thanksgiving celebrations!

Frazzle Free today is to finish reservations, Christmas card list complete with updated addresses and plans for family activities (including reservations made and supplies on buy or grocery list).

Next week will be photos so if you need to make an appointment then do so for next week. If you do the photos by yourself pick out outfits now and decide where you will take the photograph.

Get prepared for next week by looking at the 8 Weeks to a Frazzle Free Christmas Plan and see what you will need to fulfill the items next week and gather them now. Also check your calendar for next week and keep those things in mind as well.

Phew, today for cleaning I will work on the fridge, finish the floors and then do a basic set up for tomorrow. I have to pull out some chairs from behind my washer. I also need to figure out how long the turkey will take to cook so I can decide if I need to go to first or second service tomorrow (the worship team has the week off). This will help me make sure my turkey is cooked by 5:30. Lastly I need to call Chris or Joe and ask them if they will carve the turkey and if they have carving knives. I do not and I haven't a clue how to carve a turkey!

See you Monday!!! I know I have been remiss in posting pics. I will try to get some posted Monday!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Day OFF!!! NICE!

Week 4 of 52, Day 5 of 6
Days to next Tea , Days to next dinner 2
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 2 of 8, Day 5 of 6

So I have a day off of work. But not of cleaning :)

Frazzle Free today start finishing up things. Are your Christmas cards, stamps, and labels on your buy list? If not, now is the time to add them. Add supplies for your family activities that you will need to your buy list. Finish making appointments and reservations.

Today is my weekly maintenance and 15 minutes on my Fridge. My goal is the middle shelf today. Organize and clean. If I can do both shelves, great, then I will do the door tomorrow.

I'm watching 24 right now and just heard a phrase that makes me laugh.

"The nerve gas that was stolen is far more lethal than that one" I'm just curious, how can something be more lethal? Doesn't lethal mean its deadly? If thats the case then that means that something is more deadly than something else that's deadly? Silliness!!!

Ok its all done except floors. I will do those tomorrow with my normal pick up and 15 minutes. I should finish the fridge tomorrow too. This is Bri, signing off!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 4 of 52, Day 4 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 3!!! Julee are you panicking yet?!!! I'm making TURKEY!!!
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 2 of 8, Day 4 of 6

I am adding yet another item to my list of dailies...this is going to start October 31st and end the last day of November. Every night I will post an idea to do the next day to celebrate Thanksgiving more richly this year. Hopefully you will join me! If you have ideas, leave a comment and I may include it in one of my dailies!

Frazzle Free today is just continue continue continue. I ended up marking on my calendar to make one appointment in December because it just logistically does not make sense to do it now.

Tonight my 15 minute project was my refrigerator. I got my drawers clean out and cleaned. They look nice. My goal is to have the whole fridge mostly done by Saturday. Mostly meaning at least all the shelves. I don't mind leaving the drawer for Monday.

Ok! I'm done, thats it for tonight!


As I am walking this journey I want to pass on any helpful resources that I may find. Currently I am reading this book and it is really very good. It is a Bible study all about simplifying your life. So it is the Spiritual side of organization. I am only on chapter 2 but already am looking forward to reading the rest.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Week 4 of 52, Day 3 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 4
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 2 of 8, Day 3 of 6

This week has been packed and stressful. Any other time I would have been planning on working on Friday to get caught up, but at this point I need some rest. So Friday NOTHING! Saturday, a concert and I'm going home early and crashing. Then Sunday we aren't playing, the band is. 2nd service!!!

Frazzle Free today is continuation of what we've been doing this week, scheduling appointments, adding gift ideas, Christmas card list. For the last one make sure you have correct addresses and such so that you aren't doing that last minute when its time to mail.

Tonight I have to say I am brilliant. I had every plan on getting on here and saying that I am taking tonight off. Then I remembered that Wednesdays I clean the laundry room. I AM SO SMART! I am taking off my 15 minute project though. I have to. I just can't.

Goodnight! You are all so encouraging. Thank you for those that comment as well as those that comment in real life. I also just have this imaginary crowd in my head that cheer for me. So I guess thats a shout out to my imaginary friends :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Or you could just go here

I had fun writing that checklist as if I knew what I was talking about. Then I found this:

Monthly Checklist

Preparing for Baby

This one is for Clarinda.

Since I know nothing about what it takes to prepare for a baby I am making this up :) Good luck with that!!!

1. Start a list of items you will need both for you and the baby (nursing pads, diapers, etc.). If you think that you will get some at a baby shower still right it down.
2. Begin an inventory of what you already have (especially since you already have children).
3. Once your inventory is done look over your list of needs. Cross off any that you already have, add items you need more of or don't have any.
4. Consider weather for the different sized outfits. Will the baby be born in the winter? Are all your 0-3 month clothes warm? When the baby is 6 months is it going to be summer but you only have warm stuff? Adjust your list accordingly.
5. If you have a baby shower, as soon as you can afterwards do a similar inventory as the above steps and adjust your needs list accordingly.
6. Begin to purchase the items that you will need immediately.
7. Decide where the baby will sleep and the baby clothes will go.
8. Begin prepping these areas.
9. If possible get your hospital bag started. If some items are needed prior to this then write them down and keep that list with your bag so you do not forget. Otherwise, as you remember items place them in the bag.
10. Go over your original list again, have you received or purchased everything that you will need for the first month? Once the baby is born you will be able to get other items but having everything for the first month will give you time to recoup.
11. Are there any responsibilities at work or church or similar things that you need to coordinate? Decide how much time you will need after the baby is born and start a list of what you will need to have covered and by whom.
12. Begin making phone calls to people who will be covering things for you. Make sure you mark on your list that you called and the result of your conversation (remember, you are prego and forget things easily! :)
13. Skim through each of these steps. Is everything wrapped up? Make sure you begin wrapping up any loose ends.
14. Grow baby.

So, its not a daily thing for 8 weeks but I tried :) maybe you can create a daily list to help other pregos. :) Blog it and someone will read it and be blessed. :)

So Tired of Waiting for YOOOOOUUUUUuuuu

That song is in my head right now. Not sure why. Haha!

Week 4 of 52, Day 2 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 5!!! YIKES!!! Crunch time!
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 2 of 8, Day 2 of 6

This morning I had a few moments so I actually have already started on the Frazzle Free stuff. Today was to begin making some of the appointments that from the list that was started yesterday. I have accomplished that with one Dr. appt. and I called my hair salon (Supercuts) and found out they don't do appointments. Stink! So I don't know how I am going to make sure I get Shari again without just calling and finding out when she works?

I also found a few more gift ideas from a magazine I was looking at (I'M NOT SAYING WHICH ONE MUAH HAHAHAHA).

Today we are also supposed to start our Christmas card list and that is all for today.

My 15 minute project tonight is to finish...FINALLY...the pictures. I only have two more spots. A couple in the bathroom and my bedroom. So hopefully this will be done and I won't have to dedicate anymore time to this. I'M SICK OF HAMMERS NAILS AND TAPE MEASURES!!! I'm a big of a freak when it comes to hanging things. I have graph paper, math, tape measures, nails and a hammer. And they still look crooked to me and annoy me!

Anyway, enjoy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Its About Time!

Week 4 of 52, Day 1 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 6
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 2 of 8, Day 1 of 6

My dining room table is tucked into a corner between two large windows. Currently the wind is howling around my house. I wonder at the wisdom of my location, what if a tree trunk comes hurling through my window? Just wondering.

I am ready to begin a new week, fresh and excited to see more progress. I have had some discouraging days but there is something about starting Monday ready to see what the week will bring. So here we go!

Tonight is my bedroom, obvious this schedule is not going to change. Mondays will always be bedroom, tuesdays living room etc. etc. So I will quit posting it and focus only on the current 15 minute project. My 15 minute project tonight is going to be to finish the final wall that I just can't make a decision on. I would leave it and come back to it but I have been doing that since I moved in. That was the first wall I wanted to decorate and the last one I can ever decide on. So tonight in go the nails and who cares what hangs on them, but for cornbread's sake put something up there. Cornbread, why? Because its better than Pete...who is Pete anyway?

Frazzle free we are on week 2!!! Exciting!!!

Today's plan called for 2 things I would have never thought of. 1. Write down a list of appointments you will need to make for Thanksgiving/Christmas like hair appointments, doctors appointments, etc. This was really helpful as I would have forgotten and last minute thought, I NEED MY HAIR DONE!!! As I always do before the Christmas program. I am, hopefully correctly, assuming that later in the week I will be told to make the appointments. 2. If you take pictures for Christmas cards and need new outfits start buying now. If you don't need new outfits for the cards then don't worry about this yet. I thought that was a great idea. I don't do picture cards but it is something that I would have done last minute as a mom "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO WEAR???!!!" Notice how my panic times are all in caps. Its because I panic at the last possible moment because that is when I remember.

Ok, here I go, hanging pics!!! Yikes!

FINALLY finished that wall. I will post a pic another night but its after 11 p.m. now. Goodnight.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bleeding Organization

The nice part about getting more and more organized is that it begins to spill over into other areas of your life. My previous habits for my finances were this,

Keep a running total of what is in the bank in my head.
Possibly balance my checkbook monthly but more like quarterly.
Attempt a budget but give up when its too discouraging.

Granted I do not have debt other than my car payment, meaning I do have a credit card but I pay it off every month. But my methods did get me into some scrapes a couple times where I had less money that I remembered in my head or forgot a check I had written or something.

However, my organization in my house and with Christmas planning have begun to bleed into other areas of my life. Now, I currently run through my finances about every 2 weeks when I get paid. At the most once a month. Then after that I have a more accurate view of where I am. Plus I am doing very well with spending lately. I was doing horrible and struggling not to end up in a hole. I don't mean end up in the hole as in owing money on my card, I mean a hole as in digging myself deeper. Well I just had a shovel and the hole was only a foot deep. So I stepped out and am now filling it back in.

It is a huge relief to have a handle on my finances again. I was very good when I was younger but the more I started working on the church finances the less I wanted to when I got home. But I think I am finding a happy balance of torture and responsibility. Because financial stuff really is torture.

So all I have left to say is, "BLEEDING ORGANIZATION BATMAN!!!" I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.


Week 3 of 52, Day 6 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 8
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 1 of 8, Day 6 of 6

Tonight I am exhausted. Its a busy weekend and I don't know quite how I can keep it up but here I go. Kitchen, Laundry, 15 minutes on hanging things, and then I'm done.

Frazzle Free is wrapping up, setting a budget and looking at next week to make sure I have it all I need.

So here we go on the kitchen...I already did Frazzle Free!!!

Kitchen is cleaned...but the picture hanging isn't finished. I have one wall left and I just can't decide what I want there!!! ARG!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Work Day

Week 3 of 52, Day 5 of 6
Days to next Tea 22?, Days to next dinner 9
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 1 of 8, Day 5 of 6

Chicken Florentine Crepes must taste fabulous because they sound so posh! As a matter of fact they do taste fabulous. Even when you ask for no cheese and have your hollandaise sauce on the side. Why is it that fancy sounding foods make us think that they are more gourmet? Why do we feel that Meatloaf compared to French Pate sounds like comparing old sneakers to polished dress shoes?

Projects for the day include cleaning the bathroom, I really need to clean my shower but I really really really don't want to. ugh. I hate doing that most of all. Perhaps next week??? Ok I said that last week. Maybe I should put it on my project 10 list and do it as a 15 minute thing...It shouldn't take too long right?

Secondly my project 10 for the day will be hanging things. Its high time I get this done. I was planning on doing this before the dinner anyway so here we go!!! If I get only the willow tree things hung then tomorrow I will work on more pictures. But SOMETHING WILL GET HUNG TODAY!!!

I am currently drying my darks from last night's washing and I will put those away as soon as they are finished. And today I have my weekly maintenance to do. All this in 2 hours before I need to go pick up Brittany. After that I will probably head to the church to get a little more caught up there. So not much time today.

Well I cannot hang the shelves because I need screws to do it and a screwdriver. But I started the process of hanging other stuff. So I got a couple things up, pulled out the rest of my pics and decided what I want up. It will take me about one more day to get them up and finish deciding where I want them.

So there we go!

On my weekly stuff I skipped vacuuming this week. I should but I just can't bring myself to care. I worked hard today though! Oh! I did clean my shower. See, I worked hard!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Roller Coasters

Week 3 of 52, Day 4 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 10
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 1 of 8, Day 4 of 6

Yesterday, or was it the day before? I was so excited at the progress I have been making. Which, granted is true, but today I feel like there is SO much to get done. I look around and think, "where did this mess come from if I am cleaning every day?" I must keep plugging away. After all I have a dinner here in 10 days!!! Yikes, what is a girl to do?

Tonight is the dining room to be cleaned and then 15 minutes on my living room bookshelf. I figured thats a good project next as my company will be seeing that.

Frazzle free is simple today...continue continue I am already done. I went over my calendar with my parents tonight. Tomorrow I will call my grandparents and invite them over for dinner the day after thanksgiving. Nothing fancy or all out but just a simple dinner. I think tomorrow I will send out Sara's tea invite. I keep forgetting and I need to get that done.

So here it goes.

Ok so my bookshelf still has too many knick-knacks...I will work on that a little more another day. I will have to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. But in the meantime, I have a neater looking bookshelf. I think I would like to try to get my willow tree shelves my dad gave me up before the dinner at my house. That will clear some of the clutter on that shelf and display my willow tree nicely!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Week 3 of 52, Day 3 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 11
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 1 of 8, Day 3 of 6

Even in the midst of the storm, even when we don't feel like it, we are to do what we are called to do. Watched an awesome video of one of the Hillsong worship leaders who had gone through a major tragedy days before singing Desert Song for an album. She said that even though she didn't fell like it she knew she needed to do what God had called her to do, worship.

Verse 1:
This is my prayer in the desert
And all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in the hunger in me
My God is a God who provides

Verse 2:
And this is my prayer in the fire
In weakness or trial or pain
There is a faith proved
Of more worth than gold
So refine me Lord through the flames

And I will bring praise
I will bring praise
No weapon forged against me shall remain

I will rejoice
I will declare
God is my victory and He is here

Verse 3:
And this is my prayer in the battle
And triumph is still on it's way
I am a conqueror and co-heir with Christ
So firm on His promise I'll stand

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship

Verse 4:
This is my prayer in the harvest
When favor and providence flow
I know I'm filled to be emptied again
The seed I've received I will sow

So tonight I clean the Laundry room, I'm taking the night off for my 15 minute project because it is 11:30!!!, and continue everything from yesterday in frazzle free plus start my "to buy" list which is all the non grocery holiday items that you tape and wrapping paper.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Feeling It!

Week 3 of 52, Day 2 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 12
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 1 of 8, Day 2 of 6

**I have decided to take my weight goals off of here because I am following that on a private blog and I want to keep it there.

Tonight I spoke at our ladies night out on Holiday Time Management. Usually I am not very nervous because I often speak to our ladies and I am fairly used to it. Generally I just get a little shaky while I am speaking. For some reason all day today I was quite nervous! I was almost sick to my stomach. But, praise God, I was able to stick to my notes and don't feel like I forgot anything! I explain the Frazzle Free Christmas program as well as some other ideas. Pastor Pat prayed for me before I left and Kelly is always a huge support for me. So that helped a lot.

So, tonight I already picked up my bedroom again because I had a major wardrobe crisis this morning, (that was when I started feeling nervous) and my room was a mess!!! So that is cleaned again. Now I am going to work on my living room and then 15 minutes under the sink again. If I don't finish the sink cabinet tonight I think I am going to take a break and come back to it in about a week to try to get more inspired.

I'm done. I am really feeling good about my system. 3rd week and its working well for me. The living room didn't get dusted but I probably didn't need to this week. I finished the under the sink! Praise God!!! Lastly my frazzle free day: I was to start my gift list, which I had going already since I'm ahead. Continue to update my family calendar, which I already have going, so I just need to keep it up. Lastly I was to continue my Family Thanksgiving plans...I emailed my family on an idea I am toying with so we will see!!!

God bless you all, I am feeling good tonight at where I am at. God is definitely helping me through this time!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Frazzle Free Plans Begin

Week 3 of 52, Day 1 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 13
Lbs to lose this *week 1, Total lost so far 0
*My weight loss week is Thursday through Wednesday

Why is it that when we are gone our houses become more disorganized? I have found that every trip I go on, even if I work hard to have my house nice before I go, I come back and am behind on everything. So here are a few tips I have learned and please post a comment if you know some more:

1. Place your bathroom bag in the bathroom and then as you use the items put them away.
2. Immediately place dirty clothes in the hamper (you don't want to smell up your suitcase).
3. Immediately put away any clean unused clothes.
4. Within the first 24 hours make sure you are completely unpacked.
5. Start right back into your cleaning schedule.

Other than that I haven't a clue. Which is why my house is a wreck after I was gone only overnight on Friday-Saturday.

8 Weeks to a Frazzle Free Christmas begins today! I'm so excited!!! Today it is just beginning plans of things that I have already I am on track!!!

Today's cleaning schedule is cleaning the bedroom and working 15 minutes on the bathroom cabinet under the sink. I cleaned the bedroom, no big deal. But the cabinet, I organized it and in the end had to stick a bunch of stuff back in to be worked on more tomorrow. I don't know how to make more space in that area or where to store some stuff somewhere else. I could get rid of some but I use a lot of the stuff under there. I have a dilemma.

In the area of weight, I have been eating very sporadically good. My goal right now is simply keeping dairy and soy out of my diet as I am allergic and not eating them was a natural weight loss program for me. But it has been difficult. This morning I was out to breakfast at a meeting and I ordered a crepe thinking it didn't have any diary or soy that I could see, it came and had a creamy sauce drizzled over the top. So I said, "well what can you do," and ate it anyway. But that has been happening more often than not lately so I need to get serious again. I should have scraped it off...but I didn't.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 2 of 52, Day 4 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 17
Lbs to lose this *week 1, Total lost so far 0
*My weight loss week is Thursday through Wednesday

I'm leaving you all!!! Just tomorrow and Saturday. Well I will be back Saturday night but I don't know how late so I may not be able to post. However, today I was able to get some of tomorrow's weekly maintenance done and I am going to shoot for some more tonight. But, regardless, I do have today's normal chores.

Here's what I did this morning:
1. Emptied wastebaskets
5. Eliminated an annoying pile (I had a pile of give away stuff by my front door, so I got it into my car trunk so all I have to do is drive by the thrift store.

I'm really tired and need to pack so tonight all I did was my dishes. I will start fresh on Monday.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Midweek Funk

Week 2 of 52, Day 3 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 18
Lbs to lose this *week 1/2, Total lost so far 0
*My weight loss week is Thursday through Wednesday

Holiday time saving tip: Buy your Christmas cards by the first week of November, figure out how many you have to send and divide it by 30. The answer is how many you will need to do every night, 5 nights a week, to have them all done and ready to be mailed 2 weeks before Christmas. Not bad eh?

Due to the fact that it is Wednesday I am not writing much more. Tonights job is the Laundry room, I decided that because Wednesdays I get home so late (i.e. it is 10:30 and I am just now home). Secondly I am supposed to work 15 minutes on...what was it again? Oh thats right, I didn't know. I think I am going to work on trying to get the rest of my scrapbooking stuff thats in the living room, into the drawers in the closet. Yeah...that sounds good. That will free up a bin for something else.

I will post pics another time. I'm exhausted.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Annoying Cupboards

Week 2 of 52, Day 2 of 6
Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 19
Lbs to lose this *week 1/2, Total lost so far 0
*My weight loss week is Thursday through Wednesday

Oh my goodness it is so wonderful to come home to a clean house, clean kitchen, clean everything. I mean, my house wasn't full of grime or anything but I always had clutter. There was always something to be done. It is so much more relaxing!

Ok, tonight I have the following:
Cleaning the Living Room, including dusting, ugh
and 15 minutes working on my baking cupboard. I want to do that next because this season I bake a lot and every time I open it I am annoyed! So, that is my next project. I think I have a picture. I will make sure I post at least a before. I may do an after, but I may wait a couple days depending on how many nights it takes. Hopefully just one.

Here we go.

It may not look much different but it is much more organized. I was able to get all the necessary stuff on the lower shelves in a more logical fashion. Then, to top it off I was able to clean each shelf. And I am finished. So tomorrow I need to pick another area that is bugging me, which I forget now. But I have a lot. See you soon!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week 2!!!

Week 2 of 52, Day 1 of 6
Days to next: Tea TBA, Days to next dinner 20
Lbs to lose this *week 1/2, Total lost so far 0
*My weight loss week is Thursday to Wednesday

I just can't believe I have made it through the week and my first guest! What a wonderful surprising honor this is. I would like to thank Marcia Ramsland for writing the book that inspired this whole thing. I would like to thank (sniff, sniff), oh I'm sorry, I'm just so happy, I would like to thank my mother for taking me to see the movie Julie & Julia, for teaching me how to make goals and reach them, and for encouraging me in this endeavor. I would like to thank my father for teaching me about hard work and self discipline, for (sniff, sniff)(waves hand on face), oh what an honor!!! for seeing potential in me where I don't always see it. Oh, the music, but I have so many more to thank. Thank you to everyone who left comments and encouraged me in this endeavor and...(music overtakes the audio).

I'm sorry, I couldn't resisit a little silliness. I am very excited about this week as it will be all improvements from here. Everything is picked up and clean so my weekly work will be just making it better and cleaner.

Todays goals:
Clean bedroom (meaning pick up, and dust, floors will still be done on Friday)
15 Minutes on...this is where I am struggling. Technically I should continue on my closet but I am so tired of my closet. But I need to finish an area to help keep the momentum going. I don't want a bunch of half finished projects. So I suppose today's goal will be to start going through the other half and organizing but also assessing, there is at least one thing I know I want out of there and given away. Perhaps there are a few more. Or at least some things I can get out by putting them on my wall (i.e. sconces).

In addition today I really do need to clean my fish tank and possibly my frog tank. I have the day off so this would be ideal. I was going to do the fish tank Friday but never ended up with the time. So today it is!

Here I go...

Well, today was interesting. I think now I am done in my closet until I can get an inspiration. It is one of those things, it is better, but I don't quite know how to have my music stuff in a way that is either out or easily accessible. So we will work on that.

I will have to think about what has been annoying me the most for my next 15 minute project. My room feels so much better though! And I did get a couple of other areas cleaned up as you can see.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Precious friends and some good food!

Week 1 of 52, Day 6 of 6
Days to next Tea 0!!!, Days to next dinner 22
Lbs to lose this week 1/2, Total lost so far 0

Today was the day of the tea! Oh it was such a joy! I was so blessed. Tonya is a dear and prayed over me before she left. I was a little bummed that I talked SO much. I try to make the teas about them, but some friends are just precious and Tonya and I have so much to share with each other that I couldn't help myself. Some of that I need to work on and some of that is that she and I need to spend more time together. But we had a lovely time visiting and sharing the Lord with each other. AND MY HOUSE IS CLEAN! Now I am going to go do the little bit of dishes we left so I can enjoy the rest of my weekend.

This is the spread on the table. As you can see I have everything ready for the tea. There was already hot water in the pot, some cookies for dunking, limes, candy sticks (those were because I didn't have anything to put in the middle container), plus a plate with teas on it. The tray has a drawer with teas in it as well.

This was the fruit spread on my counter. I just loved the containers and had to do something with them!

These were the tomato sandwiches I made. Oh my they were yummy. In fact I am going to have another right now!

And lastly this was the whole look that was on my counter in my kitchen. I made SO much food but it was fun!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Multimedia message

Just wanted to show you a picture of one of the tarts. Isn't it cute?!!!

Making Progress!!!

Week 1 of 52, Day 5 of 6
Days to next Tea 1, Days to next dinner 23
Lbs to lose this week 1/2, Total lost so far 0

Did you know you can download a Teatimer? It counts down for however long you set it for and when it is done you know your tea is done. Thank God because my whistling tea kettle is always wrong! Of course my computer would know better than my whistling tea kettle!!!

In my organizing last night I came across an envelope that said, "Auntie." I had no recollection of what it was so I opened it. Turns out to be a thank you card to my Aunt Bev for her Christmas present to me last year!

Today is my big working day and I am struggling with getting started. It would be nice to curl up in bed right now and watch a movie. But, we have 1 day until Tonya comes. 1 day! I must be energized and move!

The following list is my weekly maintenance list, it is basically the things that if you do these your house will seem cleaner. For example, the suggestion from Marcia Ramsland, is that if your trashes are empty it does make a room feel cleaner. I agree.

1. Empty Wastebaskets
2. Change Bed Linens
3. Vacuum
4. Floors
5. Eliminate an annoying Pile (today's will be the magazines by my couch!)
6. Complete 1 Project (this is my 15 minutes, which today is sorting bins in my closet to be more accessable. I can't get to my wrapping paper!!! YIKES!!!)
7. Errands

In addition to that I want to do a deep cleaning of the bathroom, clean the fish tank, finish my darks, Wash my rugs, start my lights (tonight before bed), pick up the kitchen and pull out my harvest stuff. YIKES

I am meeting with the girl that I mentor and so today while I am out my errands are:
1. Go to post office buy stamps, mail letter, mail book
2. Go to store and buy: Meat, Tomatoes, Butter alternative
3. Pay gas bill

Then I will come home and bake, clean up the kitchen and be done for the day. If I don't get my decorating done until tonight that is ok too.

So, T minus 3 hours until I need to pick up Brittany. See you soon!

I went longer than 15 minutes because I was in the middle of a cool project. I got my folding chairs out of my closet, my bins reorganized so the ones I need will be easily accessible and the summer ones are up top. Then I rearranged where some of my shelves were being stored and got my scrapbooking stuff under my wrapping paper so its easier to get to the wrapping paper. I'm so excited!!!

(Quite a few hours later)

Currently there are 2 tarts cooking in the oven. The house cleaning is done. All I need to do now is clean up my baking mess, put out the harvest decor and get the last few touches ready so in the morning all I need to do is make the tomato sandwiches. But I realized if I waited to post this when I was done I would never end up post it. So see you tomorrow!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

2 Days to my first guest? Seriously?

Week 1of 52, Day 4 of 6
Days to next Tea 2, Days to next dinner 24
Lbs to lose this week 1/2, Total lost so far 0

Tonight is picking up the dining room and 15 minutes on another drawer, plus I need to get my darks in the washing machine. Tonight I am going to begin with the work. So here we go...

It seems the more organized I get the more I see that needs done. In a way its encouraging because I am getting things in their proper places or getting rid of thing, but on the other hand it is looking more and more like an endless job.

I finished the drawers in the closet. Removed the shoes I placed in there yesterday and changed it to scrapbooking supplies. I have spots for my scrapbooking stuff but they were overflowing. Now they are not. In fact, I may be able to empty a bin. Because of that I was able to empty one of the original areas I started with a few weeks ago. It was a basket that I tried to empty but couldn't quite figure out what to do with the stuff. I am really excited that I am not just moving junk from place to place.

Tip I learned today: Its ok to make some areas just look better until you are in a place to make better decisions about keeping or moving the stuff in that area.

Well, I am zonked. I have a long list ahead of me tomorrow. I need to get my harvest decor out, do my weekly maintenance, plus some deep cleaning and then start baking for Saturday.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Plugging Away

Week 1, Day 3, Days Until Next Guest 3

This journey, I pray, will have similar results as it did for Julie, from Julia & Julie. Christ changed my life, gave me purpose, and is my hope. But this journey I pray will help me be relaxed and able to live in the moment a bit more.

Today was overwhelming. So much so that the tenseness in my back started creeping down my arms and making me uncomfortable. So much so that I wanted to cry all day. So much so that I checked with my Pastor and worship leader and was given the night off to just try to chill. Everything got done but it was in the midst of a lot happening.

The nice part is that its all good stuff. Nothing really bad happening. Also, I handled it emotionally a whole lot better than I would have a year ago.

So, I am home early, I am going go pick up the Laundry Room now and spend 15 minutes on one drawer that is in my closet. If I can get these drawers emptied and fill them with something else it will help the state of my closet immensely!

After that will be dinner and chilaxin'!

Oh and I was thinking about changing the top countdowns. I generally have just the next guest but the dinners are kind of a big deal and I was thinking I probably should countdown for both. And since its a 52 week goal I should show that in there too. To top it off tomorrow morning I will start a new goal (remember the title of this blog, it HAS to be impractical so since this is all working so well I must try for more) of trying to lose 1/2 lb a week so that by February 28th I will have lost 10 lbs. So here's the new layout:

Week 1 of 52, Day 3 of 6
Days to next Tea 3, Days to next dinner 25
Lbs to lose this week 1/2, Total lost so far 0

The 1 drawer was not a 15 minute project so I was able to finish that and a plastic bin on top of the drawer. I emptied them both. Then refilled the drawer with shoes and the bin with craft supplies. Its a very small dent but it is progress.

Oh! And my Holiday planning 3 ring binder is put together! I'm so excited!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wonderful Surprises, Convicting Visits and Christmas

Week 1, Day 2, Days Until Next Guest 4

I was sitting quietly at my desk today when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, someone entered the church. I went on working thinking they would come around the corner to my door. Instead, I heard Pastor Pat, who was hanging a picture down the hallway, say, "Oh my gosh! Come here brother and let me kiss your head!" I was trying to figure out who it was when he called, "Bri come here! You will want to see this!" So, out I came.

6 months ago we said farewell to a soldier in our body who was deploying to Afghanistan for a year. He is a precious brother in the Lord. He was able to get a short leave to come home and rest. Most of the soldiers that are there have some time off but Del is on 24/7 pretty much. He has quite a bit of responsibility and because of that he has no days off and works 14 hour days. Then nights, because of where they are stationed, are often interrupted with medical emergencies and shootings etc.

As we stood there in the hallway and chatted for at least an hour I couldn't help but be convicted. You would have to meet Del to fully understand, but he is one of the most patient, loving, humble guys I know. He is out in the middle of a war and sharing the love of God with everyone he meets. It is amazing. He exudes Jesus.

For those of you thinking this already, no he's not single, he's engaged. I'm not interested in him like that. He and his fiance are precious to me.

So, this has been my day so far. Seeing a soldier who left me more encouraged than we left him.

Now it is time to get to work. On today's list of goals is putting away the groceries I just bought, picking up the Living Room and working on the second stack of papers. I showed a before picture of my room yesterday and not an after because there wasn't much to show. Today's picture has two things of papers. Yesterdays project was the cloth bin with the receipts. Today's is a box with some more papers and some miscellaneous stuff that got thrown in there when I moved.......over a year ago. Yikes! So no after picture today either because the bin was relocated to hold some other stuff and the box will be empty. Here it goes!

Well, its done. Not the greatest of jobs but its done. Ugh.

In the midst of this I am organizing in other areas. Today I bought a 3 ring binder and some dividers specifically for holiday planning. I will set up my book and explain more later. But in the meantime, check out this site: 8 weeks to a frazzle free Christmas

Monday, October 5, 2009

And So It Begins...

Week 1, Day 1, Days Until Next Guest 5

It is tea drinking weather. The type of weather that if you get a chill in your bones the only things that drives it away is a hot cup of peppermint tea with a dash of honey. Is that what I'm doing tonight? No, unfortunately this is the night that I have long awaited. Preparing for this night took a lot of reading, planning, deciding more impractical habits to create, coming up with large scale goals, dreaming of a clean house with guests over all the time.

In spite of the fact that I didn't officially start until today I still have been accomplishing quite a bit. I pick up after myself constantly. Take care of my mail as soon as I bring it in the house. Today, today was amazing, today I even cleaned out a drawer at work. WORK! Work is not on my goal list, do I really need to remind you of that? My dream is that at the end of this year I will have an organized life, not just an organized house.

And so it begins.

Today's goals: Pick up bedroom and work 15 minutes shredding or filing paperwork. I started here for the moral support. So now I must go accomplish these two tasks. It does not sound like much but we will build up to bigger and better things. Plus Friday is my deep cleaning day. So, stay right there, I will be right back.

Well its done. Now for that tea...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Side tracked

Week B, Day ???, Days Until Next Guest 8

Sidetracked is a good word for how I feel this week. I didn't plan on accomplishing much at home, not being home, but I still feel this way. Monday and Tuesday nights were sidetracked baking Kelly's birthday present. Then today I was going to go get some deep cleaning done and I need to work.

So, I have 8 days to clean and put out fall stuff for my next guest. The good news is that I got her an inexpensive present. I am very excited about that.

Tomorrow I will be meal planning and shopping for what I will make. Then on Monday the schedule begins. This time for sure.

Hostess tip: Find a small inexpensive gift for your guest. Such as a small plant, a mug, or a little something that reminded you of them. Generally if it is something that they can use while they are at your house it is even better. It is a nice way for them to remember their time with you.