Days to next Tea TBA, Days to next dinner TBA
Frazzle Free Christmas Week 7 of 8, Day 1 of 6
Chicken Cordon Bleu is fabulous with goat cheese. Burns your pan like nothing other though. I had to scrub, soak, scrub and scrub to get that thing clean! My dinner with Poiema went well again. Everyone loved the Chicken Cordon Bleu (theirs had provolone).
But my house is sparkling clean! This is great news and has motivated me yet again. I was starting to feel so behind and in a slump that nothing was getting done. But now my house is clean. Harvest is put away, Christmas is partially out and I can start this week fresh! I feel ready to start tackling my 15 minutes with gusto!!!
This week I think my goal will be to get my room organized again. I feel it slowly slipping back to what it was. So I will spend 15 minutes tonight organizing the drawer by my bed. It is a mess again. I think now instead of doing all my floors on my weekly maintenance day I am going to add it to whatever room I am doing. Floors are my least favorite and I would rather dust once a week than every night. It will be easier.
I also need to start on my Christmas plans again. I have been ignoring those for a while and am behind on cards and gifts. So, here's to a fresh start!!!
Frazzle Free: Finish online buying today so everything is delivered this week. Wrap 5 gifts today, placing importance on things that will need to be mailed. Continue with Christmas cards. My personal goal is to begin some of the homemade gifts tonight, I will start on Christmas cards again.
Thank you all, you keep me going!!!