Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sharing Saturday

I am trying a new writer and I have not set it up with my template of what week and day I am on. But I think its week 14 day 6.

Today I would like to know what works for you. Let’s talk Laundry. Do you do it all in one day? do you do a little every day? For those of you who work how do you find the time to wash and dry?

I was doing laundry starting Thursday nights and I would finish by Friday but the problem with that is that if I missed i would get way behind. In the winter I like to throw a load in at night and then put it in the dryer in the morning. But in the summer its bad because if I forget to put it in the dryer it smells. Finally, how do you get the energy to put it all away? That last load is the worst! Too often I find myself throwing it on the foot of my bed and it stays there for days. This is NOT a good habit.

So share. What are your laundry habits. What works for you? What doesn’t?


Julee Huy said...

Monday is laundry day. It is also Tony's day off and the day that we go and do stuff as a family like day trips. SOO if it is one of those days the laundry gets behind and I make up on a weekend day usually. OR I try to make it up at night when we are in we have to watch this tv show or we will die mode.

I sometimes start my timer on my washer so that it will start in 9 hours so that it washes early in the morning and then I put it in the dryer the next day. That saves on the stinky laundry.

The other thing I try to do on laundry day is before I put my laundry in the washer I think, Can I finished all the way through to putting away? And if the answer is no, then I wash towels because I don't care if they sit in the dryer unfolded all week long or until I get to it. Otherwise it is air fluff and folding and I don't like that.

I am always surprised when I have a new baby that they are a new person with new clothing adding to the laundry and that is always a big impact!

Other than that, if I am out of routine then laudry is a mess, everywhere and it's a pain and I have piles in baskets and on couches and beds and in the washer being rewashed over and over and then fluffed and refluffed.

Laundry isn't the greatest thing on earth. Seriously, we are constantly wearing an entire load.


Briana "Symmie" Simmons said...

Thats amazing, all your laundry on Mondays and you have a family of 7!!! YIKES!!!

Thank you for sharing. I think I will keep mine on Thursdays and Fridays and just do like you do, if I miss, I make it up. I do enjoy having it all done.

Julee Huy said...

It was Monday yesterday. We ran errand when I would have done laundry. We have hand me down baby clothes that I am washing and sorting. I washed and folded one load. One load is in a basket, another load is in the dryer. There are baskets and bins of baby clothes all over in my room. The rest is still dirty!

Um, yeah. Laundry didn't get done this week. But Tony will be out tonight and it is the season premiere of Biggest Loser Couples so mabye if I can get my homework done in the day I will do it tonight... !

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